Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hello Summer

I sit here sippin’ my Pina Colada flavored Sobe and wonder just how my parents are gonna take the fact I failed Geometry. They’ll be angry, of course, but I knew about this for long enough to get over the panic of failing a class. I have even devised a plan to rise my GPA and not lose the half credit, but I am still worried about their reaction. They won’t be happy, for sure, but my subtle hints should be working on my mother. After my teacher emails me back and confirms my failure, I’ll be forced to tell my parents I failed. Part of me is still hoping for that crazy miracle that enables me to pass; for my math teacher to somehow “bump” my grade up. Sadly, though, the rational me keeps saying I screwed up and now I have to pay the price. It’ll take some fixing, but I can make this right. Straight As, some credit recovery, and good ACT scores should patch a lot of it up. That’ll make for one busy junior year, especially since I’ll be taking credit recovery after school if possible, and not over the summer. Should that fail I can always take a year or two at the local community college and then transfer over. In this economy, that’s not unusual. I just don’t like the thought of living at home for too long.

On a far lighter note, summer has finally arrived. Even though I’m sitting in sweats, my hair is a mess, my makeup looks blah, and my grades are horrible, I can’t help but be happy. Summer’s the time of relaxation; of fun. I’m determined to make this summer fantastic, despite this horrible year. I have my Sweet 16, 4th of July, sleeping in, and so much more to look forward to now. It’s like the storm is almost over. All I has to say now is good bye worries, and hello summer.