Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dysfunctional Family

Well, I'll start off this blog with some information on my family. Don't pity me or anything because I love my family dearly. Plus, we can't choose our family, and I've lived with them for so long that I've grown used to them.

My grandparents on my mother's side are really nice. It's hard to believe that my grandfather used to be controlling and abusive, but he was. Now, they're very nice people and pretty much your average foreign seniors.

My grandmother on my father side is a complete stalker. She likes people to need her and to cling to her. She'll call all the cell phones and the house phone to get a hold of us. if we don't answer she'll bring it up sometime, even in company. She interrogates us and about everything we do, and believe me, she know everything we do. I can't leave my house without her knowing why. My grandmother visits often with excuses like she;s bringing food or my grandfather, who's an alcoholic and missing fingers, has to cut my 52-year-old father's lawn and do his yard-work. She gets obsessive and annoying, so I try and drop not-so-subtle hints, but she just goes crying to my father. My father, being the mama's boy he is, believes her every word of her exaggerated story that makes me out to be a complete...well, you know. After mustering the courage I tired to straight out tell her to stop coming over so often, but she just called me crabby and told everyone what I did. My mother laughed, but I got a lot of people telling me I was rude and I need to respect her.

My grandfather on my father's side is, like I previously said, an alcoholic. He's a pretty nice guy, and isn't a mean drunk at all, but every time he comes over he drinks nearly all of our liquor. He even replaces the clear liquor such as vodka with water. He did this once and my parents served vodka at a family party, only to have everyone tell them it was water.

My father is a lazy bum and a mama's boy. He's so lazy he doesn't pay bills, even though we can afford him. My mother has seen many notices, and we've had things cut off from his bill-paying habits. Just Tuesday our electricity went out and he went off on this huge lie based on a loud bang my parents heard earlier while my brother and I were in school. He said a fuse or something broke which caused our power to be shut off as well as areas around us. According to him the nearby Walgreens had no power but got it back and our neighbor was on a generator. Having a habit of lying when the bills weren't paid everyone was very skeptical. Sure enough, my mother calls the next day and found out he hadn't paid the bill for two months. She confronted him, but as usual he said she was overreacting and left. This isn't the first time, either. He once didn't pay the cell phone bills and my phone wouldn't text. My call got redirected to Sprint where I was told the bill hadn't been paid. Another time, while Comcast was having internet trouble, our cable and internet went out. My dad blamed it on their troubles, but my brother called and found the cable bill hasn't been paid.

My mother is a very nice women, but she isn't all that bright. it's hard explaining things to her, but she's a great mother. The only thing is she refuses to pay bills again and says my father has to learn to be a man. I'm worried because our credit sucks and I'll need my grandmother from my father's side to cosign my loans. She'll just use that to her advantage to guilt me into "liking" her. When I tell my mother this she just says that maybe when I try and get a student loan my father will realize.

My parents are 12 years apparent and very distant. My mother didn't know much about her options in her twenties because shed had moved to America when she was 16 and lived with her parents. My grandfather was abusive and controlling, so the only way out she knew was through marriage. Thus, she married my father. Now she warns me about marrying young and I can see how distant they are. They were never really close, though. They often argue, but that's okay with me. I'd be okay if they divorced, happy even. You see, they're just not meet to be, as corny and cliché as that sound. They won't do it until my brother and I are in college, though because it's easier, especially since they don't make much money. My mother is a housekeeper in a hospital and my father works in a factory, but got laid off on Tuesday and is currently claiming unemployment. I'm lower-middle class and okay with it because I still live pretty well and most people I know are either lower-middle class or middle class. A few are upper-middle class.

Well, I've said a mouthful so I'll save my aunts, uncles, and the like for later. Once again, don't pity me. I love my family, as dysfunctional and messed up as they are.

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