Monday, May 3, 2010

Math is My Worst Subject

I think there's something seriously wrong with me. I still can't get myself to do homework. Now I'm forced to get a 90% on both this quarter grade and the final grade to pass this semester of Geometry. Odds are that that won't happen, and my dad's gonna blow up in my face about it. I'm trying hard, and yet even now I'm not doing my homework. I even skipped fifth and sixth hour on Friday t delay a math test and to finish math homework, yet despite the fact I had all weekend I had to lie today to get one extra day. Why am I online instead of doing it, though? I also need to study. Many did not finish the math test Friday so my teacher had us finish it up today, and she made me start it. I had to skip so many. One thing I did learn was that my math teacher has been teaching us the most difficult way to achieve the correct answer. my brother, who is also in Geometry since he left the integrated program, showed me a much easier way to do special right triangles. Why has my class been doing it in such a complicated manor is beyond me. My math teacher also refuses to assist students. She'll explain how to do problems once and if you ask for help she tells you to look at notes or blames it on you not paying attention. She's not a good teacher at all. That's no excuse for not doing homework, though. I just wish I had a nicer and better teacher so I could actually learn the concepts we are taught. I guess it's off to credit recovery next year with my butt, or I have to go crazy this semster.

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